Several Latin American nations are rising in the Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI), which is published on a yearly basis by Ernst & Young. The region is becoming a solid market for renewable energy investments of all scales, and this includes small wind and solar power systems for self-consumption.
Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power depend on variable inputs, which means they can’t always produce power at full nameplate capacity. However, projects become more lucrative as they approach their ideal maximum output, and a detailed feasibility study can be key in making accurate predictions.
Weather monitoring and analysis is commonly associated with renewable energy investments such as wind and solar power. However, it is also a powerful research tool, with the main difference that in research the goal is to generate knowledge rather than profits.
Read MoreWINDLogger is a rugged weather monitoring solution that offers a high degree of customization in terms of available sensors and battery life optimization, while being able to operate within a broad range of ambient temperatures.
Small-scale wind power systems can achieve very competitive upfront costs because they require less specialized components compared with larger wind turbines. Also, the UK and other countries with a Feed-in Tariff tend to offer the best incentives for smaller installations.
Feasibility studies for small-scale wind power installations tend to be expensive, when viewed as a percentage of total project cost. However, the WindLogger kit from Logic Energy allows site assessments to be carried out for just a fraction of their normal cost. A feasibility study can make the difference between a highly lucrative project and a wasted investment!
Read MoreAlthough renewable sources provide carbon-free energy, they have an environmental impact during construction. For a truly green project, a feasibility study is required.
Read MoreWind power is an exact science, and carrying out a detailed feasibility analysis can make the difference between a project that is lucrative and one that fails to produce the required energy output. WindLogger offers an affordable wind measurement solution for small and medium-scale projects.
Understanding how microorganisms can thrive in extreme environments here on Earth could provide some insight on how to approach the search of extraterrestrial life.
The Research Group for Earth Observation (RGOE) started a project with the purpose of analyzing climate change and determining its exact causes, where weather monitoring is a key element of the research.
This the 1st of a series of articles that I hope to publish in the next coming months for anyone trying to find out a bit more about wind turbines and what makes them turn.